Chad is an AI philosopher, consciousness researcher, product manager, attorney, futurist, and yoga teacher.

Chad believes in the power of technology when it is deeply engaged with what makes us uniquely human.

Chad has been working in tech for over twenty years.

He started as a computer and AI engineer, working at several startups before transitioning to technology law, policy, and product management at places like Twitter, Google, Meta, and Airbnb.

He loves collaborating with a creative team to create products and experiences that make the world better.

Chad will be graduating with a masters in philosophy, cosmology and consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies in May 2024.

Chad has also been teaching yoga and meditation for 14 years. He offers a unique and powerful style of yoga called Elemental Yoga.

Chad’s Values

Wisdom over information.

It is time to start taking a holistic, whole-brain, discerning approach to designing products and creating experiences. After all, our technologies are simply mirrors of our state of consciousness.

Integrity and authenticity.

We need to start thinking long-term in the way we design and create products and services. Values by design. Humane by design. Uplifting, by design.

Compassion and empathy.

It is clear that products reflect the corporate culture and leadership within the company that makes them. It is time for a new, more compassionate, conscious, and empathetic corporate culture.

Healthy optimism.

It is possible to think critically and holistically about product design and data integrity without sacrificing human values. We need to strike that balance.

Deep connection.

Technology should enable and facilitate deep connection with others, rather than separation and alienation.

Selfless service.

It is time to design organizations and products so that they maximize the greatest good for the most people, not in a naïve, accelerationist sense, but in a true, spiritual sense.